Introduction to the App

Introduction to the App

Easy Donation is a simple, yet powerful way to collect donations from your customers. Whether you're raising money for a charity, cause, or event, our App can help you reach your goals.

Your customers can then choose to donate any amount they'd like, which will be added to their order total. All donations are processed through Shopify Payments, so you can rest assured that your customers' information is safe and secure. Additionally, you'll receive a notification for each donation made, so you can keep track of your progress.

Industry Demand:

Best match or need for any charity institutions, NGOs, Non-profit organizations, Churches, any religious institution and also All eCommerce brands who want to add CSR activities.

The best part of the App is, it is not connected with any specific charity institutions so the store owner can make decisions to add their linked charity institutions or can operate it as an individual to promote their activities. The Store owner can connect with any local or global institution based on their choice and is also responsible to deposit all donation money collected from the Shopify store.

1. Anywhere Donation Widget:

It allows merchants to add donation options on the Home page, Product Page, Pages, Blogs or Cart Page / Side Cart to collect donation money along with product selling. Shopify Plus customers can opt to add it to the checkout page.

2. Individual Donation Pages:

Easy Donation also allows the creation of individual donation products (as a product landing page) where it can just collect the donation for the cause and there are “NO” physical goods that need to be sold. Ideal solution for churches or any other religious institutions.

3. Non-profit Products Selling:

It can also allow customers to purchase Non-profit products (physical charity products) and the money can be used for charity purposes. Using the “Easy Donation Pro” version, Shopify store owners can create as many products as they want and can set up the product image, description and price for each product via the Application admin panel.

“Let the customer choose how much they want to donate Extra”.

On an individual product page, the merchant has the option to set a minimum selling amount and customers can top up with additional charity money for the product purchase.

4. Multiple Charity Options (Pro version):

Using the “Easy Donation pro”, you can create as many donation or product individual pages as you want.

5. Donation Receipt:

Donation receipts can be sent to customers and receipt design can be customized by merchants from Application settings.

6. Reports:

Under the admin panel, the merchant can see the donation collection reports on a monthly, yearly basis for each individual charity option.

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