Troubleshooting: It says “donation.liquid” file is not available

Troubleshooting: It says “donation.liquid” file is not available

This appears when the Donation Snippet File is not added to your theme or if you have changed the theme recently.

Please follow below steps in order to resolve the same:
  1. Make sure you have the snippet file inside your theme called ‘Donation.liquid’.
  2. If you have changed the theme, please identify if its Theme 1.0 or Theme 2.0.
  3. If it's Theme 1.0 and the file is not there, please get in touch with us to get the further configuration done at alternatively can connect with us via Live Chat too.
  4. If you are using Theme 2.0 then Snippet File won’t be there, you just need to  follow the Theme 2.0 configuration guidelines.